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Gode filmsitater og god trivia


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1. Jeg trenger en mengde gode filmsitater.Altså replikker fra filmer. De bør helst være litt gjenkjennelige for de "fleste". Helst ikke for lange sitater, maks et par setninger. "Punchlines" med andre ord.


For eksempel:


"No hay banda! There is no band. It is all an illusion." -Mulholland Drive (eventuelt navn på karakter før filmen, altså "Bondar i Mulholland Drive")


2. Jeg trenger en mengde gode sitater som omhandler film. Altså sitater fra "folk i bransjen", eller andre mennesker, anmeldere, hva som helst. Så lenge sitatet omhandler filmmediet er det akkurat hva jeg er på jakt etter. Gjerne noe som gir et lite skråblikk på hva film egentlig er. Helst ikke for lange sitater her eller, men de kan gjerne være hakket lengre enn filmsitatene nevnt over. Prøv likevel å begrense det til et par-tre setninger.


For eksempel:


"A feature film is twenty-four lies per second" -Michael Haneke


3. Jeg trenger også en mengde med god trivia. Morsomme, uviktige, interessante småfakta, om film dette også selvsagt. Ikke for mye tekst, igjen, et par-tre setninger. Det skal være noe tilnærmet "Visste du at..."-format.


For eksempel:

Visste du at da Werner Herzog lagde "Even Dwarves Stated Small", lovte han skuespillerne at hvis de alle overlevde opptakene til filmen, skulle han hoppe inn i et kaktuskratt for deres fornøyelse. De overlevde, Herzog holdt løftet, og han påstår at han fortsatt har kaktuspigger i kroppen som et resultat."


Noe i denne banen altså.


Jeg håper at DFilm-gjengen kan hjelpe meg med dette her. Bare post alt dere kommer på her i tråden, jeg vil gjerne ha så mange forslag som absolutt mulig! Hva det skal brukes til får dere vite om ikke så altfor lenge.

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Okei, flott! Dette er en start. Bare kjør på med alt man måtte komme på. Jeg har jo funnet litt på f.eks AFI sin liste over de 100 beste sitatene i amerikansk filmhistorie, men jeg vil jo gjerne ha noe litt mer... alternativt også.
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Endra litt på hva jeg var ute etter. Er 3 kategorier nå. Altså:


1. Filmreplikker

2. Sitater som omhandler film

3. Filmtrivia


Flotte bidrag så langt! Hvis alle klarer å bidra med ett eksempel fra hver kategori, blir jeg superfornøyd.

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"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."

- My Man Godfrey


"He’s the man I’m going to marry, he doesn’t know it, but I am."

- Bringing Up Baby


"Patricia Franchini: What is your greatest ambition in life?

Parvulesco: To become immortal... and then die."

- Breathless


"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas


"Do you no good to go poking around under rocks, Justin. Some very nasty things live under rocks, especially in foreign gardens."

- The Constant Gardener


"I like persons better than principles and persons with no principles better than anything at all."

- The Picture of Dorian Grey

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"Patricia Franchini: What is your greatest ambition in life?

Parvulesco: To become immortal... and then die."

- Breathless

Dette er kanskje mitt favorittsitat noensinne.

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Okei, jeg legger opp det jeg har så langt, slik at folk ser enda klarere "hva det går i", og gjerne blir litt stimulert til å komme med forslag!




Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.


No hay banda! There is no band. It is all an illusion.


I must have some booze. I demand to have some booze!


We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold.


What? No. We can't stop here. This is bat country.


Don't threaten me with a dead fish.


I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.


Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.


Go ahead, make my day.


You talkin' to me?.


I love the smell of napalm in the morning!




You're gonna need a bigger boat.


Gentlemen, you can't fight here! This is the War Room!


Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.


Here's Johnny!


Oh, no, it wasn't the airplanes. It was Beauty killed the Beast.


Were you born a fat, slimy, scumbag puke piece o' shit, Private Pyle, or did you have to work on it?


Private Pyle I'm gonna give you three seconds; exactly three-fucking-seconds to wipe that stupid looking grin off your face or I will gouge out your eyeballs and skull-fuck you!


I bet you could suck a golfball through a garden hose.


Open the pod bay doors, HAL.


All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people.


He's the man I'm going to marry, he doesn't know it, but I am.


There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.


Do you no good to go poking around under rocks, Justin. Some very nasty things live under rocks, especially in foreign gardens.


I like persons better than principles and persons with no principles better than anything at all.


What is your greatest ambition in life? - To become immortal... and then die.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


My thumbs have gone weird.


Look at my tongue. It's wearing a yellow sock.


I feel like a pig shat in my head.


I want something's flesh.


We want the finest wines available to humanity. We want them here, and we want them now!


I'm going to pull your head off, because I don't like your head.


I have a heart condition. If you hit me, it's murder.


With a bit of luck, his life was ruined forever. Always thinking that just behind some narrow door in all of his favorite bars, men in red woolen shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he'll never know.




The history of cinema is boys photographing girls. The history of history is boys burning girls at the stake.


A feature film is twenty-four lies per second.


The cinema is truth, twenty-four frames per second.


My cow is not pretty, but it is pretty to me. (måtte jo ha med denne)





Visste du at...


... da Werner Herzog lagde 'Even Dwarves Started Small', lovte han skuespillerne at hvis de alle overlevde opptakene til filmen, skulle han hoppe inn i et kaktuskratt for deres fornøyelse? De overlevde, Herzog holdt løftet, og han påstår at han fortsatt har kaktuspigger i kroppen som et resultat.


... Chan-wook Park skrev ferdig manuset til 'Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance' på 20 timer med konstant skriving?


... Gunnar Björnstrand var den skuespilleren som samarbeidet flest ganger med Ingmar Bergman? De lagde 23 filmer sammen.


... Pink Floyd ble spurt om å lage musikk til Stanley Kubricks '2001: A Space Odyssey'? De takket nei, grunnet andre forpliktelser.


... da Stanley Kubrick lagde 'The Shining' ringte han ofte opp Stephen King midt på natta, og spurte ham spørsmål som 'tror du på Gud?'?


... da Stanley Kubrick lagde 'The Shining' viste han David Lynchs 'Eraserhead' til skuespillerene for å få dem i den stemningen han ville?.


... da Stanley Kubrick lagde 'The Shining' krevde han totalt 127 tagninger i en scene med Shelley Duvall før han var fornøyd?


... at tre av Ingmar Bergmans filmer vant Oscar for Beste Utenlandske Film? Disse tre er 'Jungfrukällan', 'Såsom i en spegel' og 'Fanny och Alexander'.

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Nick Naylor: Right there, looking into Joey's eyes, it all came back in a rush. Why I do what I do. Defending the defenseless, protecting the disenfranchised corporations that have been abandoned by their very own consumers: the logger, the sweatshop foreman, the oil driller, the land mine developer, the baby seal poacher...

Polly Bailey: Baby seal poacher?

Bobby Jay Bliss: Even *I* think that's kind of cruel.

- Thank You for Smoking


"Be it a rock or a grain of sand, in water they sink as the same."

- Oldboy


"The Bible is a book. It's a good book, but it is not the only book."

- Inherit the Wind


"Revenge is misfortune's justice."

- L' Homme du train


"I am big. It's the pictures that got small."

- Sunset Blvd.

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Har vi noen kaffe- og sukkersitater fra Lynch?


Jeg prøvde å finne noen av de, men var ikke så heldig med det. Synd at de skal være så vanskelig å finne, fordi de er virkelig bra.

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Kiddo har jo ett i signaturen sin:


"There are ideas in every bean" - David Lynch (om kaffebønner)


Dette blir med. Eller, det blir omformulert slik:


"There are ideas in every (coffee) bean" - David Lynch


Hvis det er greit.

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Alle burde forresten følge Otths eksempel her. Takk for alle bidragene! Bare kjør på folkens. Jeg forstår jo at det er lettere å komme på gode filmreplikker, men jeg trenger som sagt minst like mange sitater om film, og ikke minst trivia. De fleste her sitter vel inne med noen fun facts om film? Kom med dem!


Til nå har jeg:

Filmsitat: 41

Sitater om film: 21

Trivia: 8


Og som sagt, trenger minst 50 av hver.

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"Stupidity is the devil. Look in the eye of a chicken and you'll know. It's the most horrifying, cannibalistic, and nightmarish creature in this world."

- Herzog


"I shouldn't make movies anymore. I should go to a lunatic asylum."

- Herzog


"People think we had a love-hate relationship. Well, I did not love him, nor did I hate him. We had mutual respect for each other, even as we both planned each other's murder."

- Herzog om Kinski


"That man is a head taller than me. That may change."

- Aguirre

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Et utvalg sitater om film:


Bernardo Bertolucci:


- I don't film messages. I let the post office take care of those.


David Cronenberg:


- Censors tend to do what only psychotics do: they confuse reality with illusion.


Orson Welles:


- A film is never really good unless the camera is an eye in the head of a poet.



Martin Scorsese:


- Cinema is a matter of what's in the frame and what's out.


Sam Peckinpah:


- The end of a picture is always an end of a life.


Peter Bogdanovich:


- It's sad that most film-goers today never saw a movie made before Star Wars.


Michael Cimino:


- Films are home movies of your past.


Billy Wilder:


- An audience is never wrong. An individual member of it may be an imbecile, but a thousand imbeciles together in the dark - that is critical genius.


Ingmar Bergman:


- Film as dream, film as music. No art passes our conscience in the way film does, and goes directly to our feelings, deep down into the dark rooms of our souls.


Francis Ford Coppola:


- Most directors have one masterpiece by which they are known, or possibly two. Kurosawa has at least eight or nine.


Francois Truffaut:

- Cinema is an improvement on life.


Roger Corman:

- In science-fiction films the monster should always be bigger than the leading lady.


Roman Polanski:

- Cinema should make you forget you are sitting in a theater.


Louis Malle:


- It is only when memory is filtered through imagination that the films we make will have real depth.


Robert Bresson:


- Cinematography: a new way of writing, therefore of feeling.


Woody Allen:


- For some reason I'm more appreciated in France than I am back home. The subtitles must be incredibly good.


Stanley Kunrick:


- If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed.

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Tusen takk, maestro! Du vet vel ikke tilfeldigvis om en side som samler slike sitater, siden du hadde så mye å by på? Jeg henta ned det jeg kunne fra ThinkExist, men etter at du har bladd igjennom 5 sider må du registrere deg for å lese videre. Greit nok, hadde det bare ikke vært for at aktiveringsmailen til brukerkontoen aldri kommer. Har prøvd med to forskjellige mailer også. Merkelig.
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Tusen takk, maestro! Du vet vel ikke tilfeldigvis om en side som samler slike sitater, siden du hadde så mye å by på? Jeg henta ned det jeg kunne fra ThinkExist, men etter at du har bladd igjennom 5 sider må du registrere deg for å lese videre. Greit nok, hadde det bare ikke vært for at aktiveringsmailen til brukerkontoen aldri kommer. Har prøvd med to forskjellige mailer også. Merkelig.

Jeg hentet alle sitatene fra IMDb...

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Tusen takk, maestro! Du vet vel ikke tilfeldigvis om en side som samler slike sitater, siden du hadde så mye å by på? Jeg henta ned det jeg kunne fra ThinkExist, men etter at du har bladd igjennom 5 sider må du registrere deg for å lese videre. Greit nok, hadde det bare ikke vært for at aktiveringsmailen til brukerkontoen aldri kommer. Har prøvd med to forskjellige mailer også. Merkelig.


Wikiquote har endel oxo.



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Kan komme med litt mer etter hvert som jeg får klarna hodet. Orker ikke å oversette og kutte ned på alt :P


"Have you ever done it with your Dad?"

Intertittel på starten av Visitor Q



Trivia om Maniac:

William Lustig and Joe Spinell, say they didn't always have the necessary permits to film on location in New York City. Certain scenes (including the infamous shotgun through the windshield scene) had to have been filmed quickly and afterwards the crew had to run away before the cops arrived.


Because they would only have one chance to film the scene where Tom Savini's character gets shot, Savini decided that he should be the one to pull the trigger. He said it felt a little weird shooting the dummy he had created of himself in the face.


The dummy used for the exploding head scene had been used extensively by Tom Savini for effects in Dawn of the Dead (1978). After its use in this film, it was so saturated in fake blood and gore that it was decided to retire the dummy (which Tom had named "Boris"). According to Savini, the dummy was locked in the trunk of the car used in the shotgun scene and sunk in the river.



Trivia om Cannibal Holocaust:

Ten days after premiering in Milan, the film was seized by the courts, and the director, Ruggero Deodato, was arrested and charged with obscenity. He was later charged with murder and faced life in prison on the belief that several of the actors were murdered for the camera. Deodato contacted Luca Barbareschi and told him to contact the three other actors who played the missing film team. He presented the actors, alive and well, to the courts, and thus, the murder charges were dropped.


The iconic image for the film shows a "cannibal" girl impaled on a stick. Upon being summoned to court in order to assert that no actors were harmed during production, Deodato explained that the girl simply sat on a bicycle seat attached to the pole's base, while holding a small pointed balsa wood piece in her mouth. The fake blood was then added. Deodato commented that the girl had an unusually calm temperament to be able to remain so still during the filming.



Kerman stormed off the set during the filming of the death of the coatimundi, and Yorke refused to partake in the shooting of the pig (which he was originally scripted to execute), leaving Luca Barbareschi to have to do it. The sound of the pig dying even caused him to botch a long monologue, and retakes were not an option because they had no access to any more pigs. Perry Pirkanen also cried after filming the "Turtle Scene".


Other cast members who objected to the film's content include actress Francesca Ciardi, who did not want to bare her breasts during the sex scene between her and Carl Yorke. When she refused to comply with Deodato's direction, he dragged her off the set and screamed at her in Italian. She had earlier suggested that she and Yorke actually have sex in the jungle before filming, in order to relieve the tension of the upcoming scene. When Yorke declined, she grew upset with him, alienating him for the rest of the shoot.


After seeing the film, director Sergio Leone wrote a letter to Ruggero Deodato, which stated, "Dear Ruggero, what a movie! The second part is a masterpiece of cinematographic realism, but everything seems so real that I think you will get in trouble with all the world."



Trivia om Monty Python and the Holy Grail:

Graham Chapman's alcoholism caused problems during filming, and not just through his repeatedly forgetting his lines. The first day of shooting required Chapman to cross the Bridge of Death. When working on "Monty Python's Flying Circus" (1969), Chapman had been used to drinking heavily to calm his nerves. He quickly discovered to his dismay that the crew had no alcohol on the set, and the nearest town was too far away for a quick trip to purchase any. Consequently, he was visibly stressed, shaking, sweating and moving slowly throughout the scene, yet he was known to be an experienced rock climber. Not knowing about his alcoholism, the crew wondered if Chapman's heavy costume caused the stress; it was actually alcoholism-induced DTs.



Trivia om Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid:

According to Kris Kristofferson, director Sam Peckinpah so detested the studio cut of this film he actually urinated on the screen.



Trivia om The Wild Bunch:

Supposedly, more blank rounds were discharged during the production than live rounds were fired during the Mexican Revolution of 1914 around which the film is loosely based. In total 90,000 rounds were fired, all blanks.



Trivia om Rio Grande:

Two stunt men drowned while filming a river crossing sequence.



Trivia om Stagecoach:

Asked why, in the climactic chase scene, the Indians didn't simply shoot the horses to stop the stagecoach, director John Ford replied, "Because that would have been the end of the movie."


Orson Welles privately watched this film about 40 times while he was making Citizen Kane



Trivia om Sergeant Rutledge:

Unsatisfied with Woody Strode's rehearsal of bullet-wounded drowsiness, director John Ford took his own steps to make Strode appear authentically weary for Rutledge's gunshot early on in the film. The day before the scene was to be shot, Ford got Strode drunk early in the day and had an assistant follow him around for the rest of the day to make sure he stayed that way. When the time came for Strode to shoot the scene with Constance Towers, his hangover gave him the perfect (for Ford) appearance of a man who had been shot.



Trivia om Alien:

The front (face) part of the alien costume's head is made from a cast of a real human skull.



Trivia om Bad Taste:

Director Peter Jackson shot the film on weekends over a four-year period with friends playing the lead roles. Jackson funded most of the film himself until towards the end of the shoot when the New Zealand Film Commission gave him money to finish his project after being impressed with what he'd already produced. There was never a script for the movie; each scene was filmed from ideas the director had come up with during the week.


One of the actors hadn't shaved. For continuity, he couldn't shave until the movie was completely shot.


Craig Smith was part of the original cast and was married and then divorced within the four-year time frame it took to make the film. Because most of the filming took place on weekends, he found himself written out because his new wife - a devout Christian - objected to him working on Sundays. Smith was written back into the film when he got divorced.


The "firearms" in the film are all non-functional replicas made by Peter Jackson. For example, what appears to be a WWII Sterling submachine gun is actually a length of aluminum pipe, a handle made from Fimo, and a piece of wood to stand in for the ammunition magazine. The actors shook the props to simulate recoil, and the muzzle flashes were added in post-production.



Trivia om Braindead:

During the lawnmower scene, movie blood was pumped at five gallons per second. 300 liters of fake blood was used in the final scene of the film.


The rental in Sweden (and probably other countries as well) came with supplemental vomit bags.



Trivia om The Evil Dead:

Sam Raimi originally wanted to title this film "Book of the Dead," but producer Irvin Shapiro changed the title to "The Evil Dead" for fear that kids would be turned off seeing a movie with a literary reference.



Trivia om Touch of Evil:

There are two stories as to how Welles ended up directing Touch of Evil. Charlton Heston recalled that Welles was originally hired to act in the film only, and not direct or write. Universal was keen to secure Heston for the lead, but Heston wanted the studio to confirm the film's director before he signed on. After learning that Welles was in the acting cast for the movie, Heston proposed Welles as the director, noting that he would be more interested in starring if Welles was directing. The other story is that Welles had recently worked with producer Albert Zugsmith, known as the "king of the B's", on a film called Pay the Devil and was interested in directing something for him. Zugsmith offered him a pile of scripts with no director attached, and to prove he could make a great film out of a bad script, he asked Zugsmith to give him the worst. This was Badge of Evil, as it was then called. Welles did a rewrite and took it into production. Eager to get back into directing (a Hollywood film), he agreed to take only an acting fee, taking on the role of Quinlan. Although Welles was overweight in later life, Quinlan's girth in the film is mostly padding.


Orson Welles was said to have based the drug scenes on his own experiences, with the Grandi kids' use of marijuana symbolizing his own indifference towards the legality of the drug, and the violent use of heroin representing his feeling that anything harder than that was just "suicide", as he once put it.

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